A short video about "Reiki's Birthplace: A Guide to Kurama Mountain" book by Jessica Miller - www.ReikiMastery.com.

Mount Kurama, also known as Kurama Yama, is the sacred mountain in Japan where Mikao Usui, the founder of Usui Reiki, first encountered Reiki. Reiki is a spiritual energy that has evolved into a healing art and is practiced by millions worldwide. Reiki is rapidly gaining acceptance in the traditional medical community, as well as among practitioners of complementary healing modalities.

Jessica Miller is a Reiki Master/ Teacher. She has been teaching Reiki since 1992. She is a licensed teacher for the International Center for Reiki Training. She regularly teaches classes in Pasadena, CA (Sierra Madre). She also conducts clases in Kyoto Japan, Sacramento CA (Roseville), and Massachusetts.

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